Highgate, Greater London, England

Highgate from Hampstead Heath

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery is reputed to be one of the most haunted places in London.


Reported phenomena include a sinister apparition with glowing red eyes; a "fearsome creature that seemed to glide from the wall of the cemetery"; a phantom cyclist; a tall man wearing a top hat; a "mad old woman" with long grey hair; and a shrouded figure. There is also a legend that the cemetery was frequented by a Vampire.


Pictured left is a view of Highgate Cemetery courtesy of MykReeve.

Highgate Cemetery,

Swain’s Lane,


N6 6PJ.


For further information, please read Haunted Britain and Ireland by Richard Jones.

The Gatehouse

Upstairs at The Gatehouse is a small pub theatre. The venue is a refurbished 1895 auditorium, upstairs from the Gatehouse pub, that has served over the years as a music hall, cinema, Masonic lodge, and a jazz and folk music club.


It is reputedly haunted by an apparition of a "white-haired smuggler" that was murdered there.


Pictured left is Upstairs at the Gatehouse courtesy of Oxyman.

The Gatehouse,

Highgate Village,


N6 4BD.


For further information, please visit:



For further information, please read Haunted Britain by Antony D. Hippisley Coxe.

Pond Square

Pond Square is reputedly haunted by a phantom fowl! Apparently, Sir Francis Bacon stuffed a chicken (presumably once deceased) with snow as an experiment. As a result, the ghostly chicken is said to be seen here flapping its wings!


Pictured left is Pond Square courtesy of Mike Faherty.


For further information, please read Haunted Britain by Antony D. Hippisley Coxe.


Visitor Information

Highgate is a suburban area of north London in the London Borough of Camden, England.

It is situated 4.5 miles north northwest of Charing Cross.

Pictured left is a view of Highgate from Hampstead Heath courtesy of Robert Lamb. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.